Events & Workshops
WELCOME! This is the booking page for Thursday and Saturday workshops in my private studio.
Timings are : Thursdays 2.30 - 5pm and Saturdays 2 - 5.30pm.
Thank you so much for booking in advance. As you know space in the studio is limited to a maximum of 6. Once a session is full I will run a waiting list so please let me know if you can't make a session for any reason.
I am very much looking forward to painting with you! Nicola x
Please note. I have detailed the general themes of each workshop below but this may change depending on availability of subject matter, fresh foliage, flowers etc.
Thursday afternoon group £28 per session.
Saturday afternoon group £35 per session.
JANUARY - New beginnings! Taking inspiration from nature we will celebrate the start of a new year exploring new painting and drawing techniques and using different mediums and papers. We will also start sketchbooks with a view to filling them up over time. Thursday 16th and Saturday 18th
FEBRUARY - Early signs of Spring. Taking inspiration from nature, wildlife and all that we see around us: focusing on drawing & painting from life and looking at other artist’s work. Thursday 13th and Saturday 15th
MARCH - Exploring Spring gardens, flora and fauna. Working on different coloured papers and using new techniques. Thursday 13th and Saturday 15th
APRIL - Easter - Celebrating Spring in all its glory; taking inspiration from beautiful spring flowers and of course tulips! We will design cards and artwork to give as Easter gifts. Thursday 3rd and Saturday 5th