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Events & Workshops

WELCOME! This is the booking page for Thursday and Saturday workshops in my private studio.

Timings are : Thursdays 2.30 - 5pm and Saturdays 2 - 5.30pm.

Thank you so much for booking in advance. As you know space in the studio is limited to a maximum of 6. Once a session is full I will run a waiting list so please let me know if you can't make a session for any reason.

I am very much looking forward to painting with you! Nicola x

Please note. I have detailed the general themes of each workshop below but this may change depending on availability of subject matter, fresh foliage, flowers etc. 

Thursday afternoon group £28 per session.

Saturday afternoon group £35 per session.

JANUARY - New beginnings! Taking inspiration from nature we will celebrate the start of a new year exploring new painting and drawing techniques and using different mediums and papers. We will also start sketchbooks with a view to filling them up over time. Thursday 16th and Saturday 18th

FEBRUARY - Early signs of Spring. Taking inspiration from nature, wildlife and all that we see around us: focusing on drawing & painting from life and looking at other artist’s work. Thursday 13th and Saturday 15th

MARCH -  Exploring Spring gardens, flora and fauna. Working on different coloured papers and using new techniques.  Thursday 13th and Saturday 15th

APRIL - Easter - Celebrating Spring in all its glory; taking inspiration from beautiful spring flowers and of course tulips! We will design cards and artwork to give as Easter gifts. Thursday 3rd and Saturday 5th

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SoldThursday 16th January Workshop
Saturday 18th January Workshop
Thursday 13th February Workshop
SoldSaturday 15th February Workshop
Thursday 13th March Workshop
SoldSaturday 15th March Workshop
Thursday 3rd April Workshop
Thursday 3rd April Workshop Sale price£28.00
Saturday 5th April Workshop
Saturday 5th April Workshop Sale price£35.00